I had a school Presentation night recently. Having stayed up late-ish the previous night because my mum remembered at the last minute some computer stuff that she needed help with, I was lacking sleep on the day. Lacking sleep = migraine.

So I woke up with the attitude that this was going to be a horrible day. I got annoyed at the smallest things and didn't seem to care about the more important things, like having breakfast.

Needless to say, with that attitude I wasn't going to have a good day. After a bit I realised this and consciously started trying to socialise and have fun, but when that was no longer an option my mood plummeted very quickly.

What turned my day around was choir practise in the afternoon. Choir is a lot of fun and I love music. but what really made the difference was this youtube video our choir conductor showed us on her iphone. It was about a TV show where parents were challenged to tell their kids that all their halloween candy was eaten, and video the whole thing. I suppose it was kind of mean to be laughing at something that was upsetting these little kids, but it was so cute.

After that my day was fine. It still had its little challenges, but I succeeded through them and there is something so satisfing about that. That feeling of accomplishment definitely helped me through the day after. (Two late nights in a row are not ideal.)

The link to the video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YQpbzQ6gzs

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