It's at the end of the exam period at my school. Today I got the results for one exam, during which I had a migraine, back and was surprised how much getting a worse than usual result saddened me.

Out of all the things that could upset me about getting migraines, I get upset about a B instead of an A. I don't get upset about the days wasted or not being able to tell if what I'm feeling is 'normal' or I actually have a fever. No, I get upset because I got 10% lower than usual.

It makes me wonder about my priorities. Do I really consider grades more important than general happiness?

When I thought about this for a while, I realised that it's really all interconnected. I love my way of thinking and concentrating intensely, thinking about things until they finally make sense. It is not just about grades for me. It makes me happy. I do it so much it is part of who I am.

For me enjoying life means learning and achieving and being curious about everything I see. Take that away and what will I be? Hopefully I'll never find out.


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