Soon, I'm going on an exchange trip to France. Almost everyone I talk to is asking if I'm excited about the trip, and of course I reply with yes. But this is not the whole truth.

The truth is, that I'm looking forward to the trip with mixed feelings. I can't help think about what could go wrong. I will be spending 6 weeks away from family and friends with people I barely know. I will also have to speak in a foreign language which is tiring at the best of times. 

In these circumstances, getting a migraine would be... very inconvenient.

To try and prevent this I have formed a list of things I'm can bring with me that will help prevent or ease a migraine and just in general keep me happier:

- a cute face washer towel with a picture of tweety bird and a lamb on it
It's the perfect size to wrap an icepack in, and why not surround myself with cute things when I'm not feeling well?

- medicine
Self explanatory.

- cute pictures
Every little thing helps to make the day just that bit better.

- a (pretty) written reminder to pace myself
Speaking a foreign language is going to be difficult, so I need to make sure I especially take care of myself (even though I really should be doing this all the time).

- a collection of jokes in large print
The aim of this one is to improve my mood if it starts going bad, although usually when that happens I can't read stuff, large print or no large print, but why not include it just in case?

- stuff with sentimental value, like gifts that were given to me by really good friends
Things like best friends necklaces and handmade gifts- they always seem the most thoughtful.

Hopefully these things will make my holidays the best they can be, and I'll come back from France with many happy memories.
12/12/2011 03:12:45 am

Hi Rebecka,
Just saw your post via the Blog Carnival and wanted to say hello. I am a fellow migraineur, and also lived in France for a summer when I was in college. I worried, as you do, about being able to handle being away and dealing with migraines. I think you're super smart for being prepared, but not letting your migraines stop you from living a great life. It is definitely possible to travel and deal with a migraine away from him. You strategies of bringing thing that will make you feel "at home" and comfortable in a new environment are fantastic! You mentioned "ice packs." I don't know if things have changed in France since I was there, but I do remember ice being harder to come by there. If I was going today, I'd probably bring multiple small gel freezer packs... so I would know I'd have cold even if ice was sparse. I hope you have a wonderful time. And hey, at least the French will know what a migraine is... the word is French, of course! :)

4/2/2012 07:36:42 am

Hi Kelli,
Thank-you for your comment, and sorry for the late reply, but as I have been in France living with a host family I have not been able to reply sooner.
I did have quite a wonderful time, although there were a few misunderstandings at the beginning of the trip.
I didn't bring any ice packs with me as I had not seen this before I left. My host family did not have any ice packs but they did have ice, which seemed to work just as well.
As to the French knowing what a migraine is, I'm not so sure all of them do, because on television I often saw the word headache translated into french as migraine, and not mal à la tête or something similar.


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